about Internet, work, and life.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Year's Best Books for Business Owners
Inc. 雜誌選出給企業主看的2010年最佳書目:Rework, the 10 Laws of career reinvention, Bury my heart at conference room B, Delivering Happiness(, The little Big things, the Facebook effect, Macrowikinomics, You are not a gadget, Linchpin, Where good ideas come from, The upside of irrationality, business model generation, Islands of profit in a sea or red ink, Smart growth, Good boss bad boss, How companies win, The mirror test, Spend shift, Built to Sell... etc. 這清單是給我自己使用的書單,該去Amazon或看看有沒有中文譯本。
Saturday, September 25, 2010 SCRABBLE: Electronic Arts Inc.: Kindle Store
Amazon kindle 第一款遊戲~ 沒有彩色螢幕,沒有觸控屏,Kindle的第一款遊戲受到矚目。kindle 所打的著重的目標是"書本"功能,因此在服務規劃上,完全滿足了讀書人的使用習慣:愛買書,寫書評,分享並且電子油墨久盯不傷眼。有人在觀望是否Amazon此舉是否意味著kindle 要與 iphone/ipad直接對戰?
當然已經是聽說下一代的kindle也會是彩色觸控屏了,我非常期待Bezos 的下一步,步還是新一代kindle。
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Top iPhone Applications - TIME
Must-Have Apps
Numerous apps are in the store, many are useless and others are buggy, but there are a few that make the whole app thing worthwhile. After wading through light sabers, flashlights and a staple simulator, here are some programs that are actually worth downloading. More »
Friday, September 3, 2010
Top 10 Celebrity Pets: Famous Cats and Dogs
There are a number of famous folks who love their animals. From presidents with beloved pets to A-list celebrities who pamper their pooches and kitties, it is no surprise that some animals are quite famous. Some celebrities turn to their pets for companionship and unconditional love when the tabloids attack, and others just love to show off their animals as cute accessories. It’s hard not to love animals, since they will treat you well if you are willing to take care of them. Here are 10 famous cats and dogs that are well-known members of celebrity families:
Tinkerbell: This is Paris Hilton’s most famous canine companion. Tinkerbell (a Chihuahua) was first seen being carted around by the celebrity heiress and socialite in a designer handbag. Hilton started a trend, and soon women around the world were buying Chihuahuas and even carrying them around in designer bags. Tinkerbell made appearances in The Simple Life, and even has her own IMDB page. However, Tinkerbell isn’t the only one of Hilton’s dogs. She has a number of small dogs, including additional Chihuahuas and Mini Yorkies. Hilton’s doggie friends live in a $325,000 dog house in Beverly Hills.
Little Man: Cameron Diaz’s cat, Little Man, regularly goes on shopping trips with the star. Diaz likes to buy fashionable clothes for the cat. Cameron Diaz is a well-known fashionista, and apparently she wants to make sure that Little Man is appropriately dressed to the nines. Diaz is famous for defending women who do not want to have children, and clearly she feels that having a cat is definitely good enough. While some may not like her outspoken views on child-rearing, no one can complain that she isn’t good to her animals. Diaz joins James Dean, John Lennon and Snoop Dogg on a list of celebs who love cats.
Corgis for the Queen: When she was 18, Queen Elizabeth II was given a corgi called Susan. Susan, of course, is long since dead. However, the Queen still loves corgis. She has a pack of seven of them, which takes care of and enjoys immensely. Earlier this year, though, two of the dogs died of cancer. Queen Elizabeth was understandably upset and shaken by these deaths. Indeed, in the The Queen, Helen Mirren interacts with corgis to make sure that this aspect of Her Majesty’s life is included. The dogs playing the Queen’s corgis won the Fido Awards for canine cinematic excellence. Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis over the course of her 55 years as queen.
Jinxy: Eva Longoria Parker has a rather pampered Maltese dog named Jinxy. The Desperate Housewives start takes Jinxy with her even when filming on set, and plays with the dog when she has a free minute. But Jinxy isn’t the beauty’s only pooch: She recently bought another dog — a black one to balance Jinxy’s white color. However, when puppy shopping for the new addition to the family, Eva Longoria Parker made sure to bring Jinxy along in order to ensure compatibility between the two.
Arthur: How many dogs have been “best man” for some sort of marriage or commitment ceremony? Well, Elton John’s Cocker spaniel Arthur can say that he has. When John had a civil union with his partner David Furnish, Arthur served as best man. John loves dogs, and is especially fond of Arthur, who also made an appearance on one of his albums. Elton John also has other dogs, and owned several back in the 1970s. John is known for adopting dogs from rescue organizations, in an effort to help save them and provide them with a good home.
Norman: Jennifer Aniston got corgi-terrier Norman after her relationship with Brad Pitt ended. Norman has been a faithful companion, and Aniston has repeatedly shown her own devotion to this dog. Norman even had a part in the recent movie Marley & Me, although the scenes that he was in were cut. Norman is getting older, and as a result has some aches and pains. Aniston only provides the best for her four-legged friend. He has been getting massage therapy and acupuncture treatments. Aniston and Norman can be seen regularly on the beaches around L.A.
Bit Bit: Britney Spears is known for spoiling her Chihuahua, Bit Bit. Indeed, she has been feeding the pooch off her own plate at high end dining establishments. Spears has bought Bit Bit her own accessories, including dresses, pajamas and even a collar studded with diamonds. But Bit Bit isn’t the only small dog Spears has. She also has a Maltese, Lacey, and a Yorkie terrier, London. These dogs also receive special treatment, accessories and other benefits. The only downside? Sometimes Britney Spears has to protect her dogs from her sons.
Foxy Cleopatra: Nicole Richie has her own small dog, a Pomeranian called Foxy Cleopatra. Like many other dogs of this size, she is sometimes considered a fashion accessory. This dog is a pampered princess and spends all sorts of time with Richie. In addition to Foxy Cleopatra, Richie also has another dog, a Shih tzu named Honey Child. Honey Child once even wore hair extensions so that she could look like “mama.” There is no doubt that Foxy Cleopatra has a fame of her own, though. She has appeared in the Simple Life, and has her own IMDB page. Many people recognize Foxy Cleopatra on the street.
Jackie: When Serena Williams plays a grand slam tournament, it is not uncommon to see her Jack Russell terrier, Jackie, there to cheer her on. Jackie often accompanies her on other outings as well, even bringing the dog along to Dolphins football games. Williams also has a pit bull that bit a security guard a few years ago. Williams claimed not to own the dog, but records showed that it was registered to her, and there were photos on her web site, identifying a tan pit bull named Bambi. So far, though, Jackie has managed to avoid such run-ins, as has Williams’ maltese.
Indo: Will Smith lavishes attention on his Rottweiler, Indo. Smith is a big action star, and known as a man’s man. So, of course, he has a man’s man’s dog. He has additional Rottweilers, as it is clearly his favorite. Smith provides them with a treadmill so that they can walk themselves if necessary.
Tagged as: celebrity pets, Dog, Elton John, Eva Longoria Parker, Paris Hilton
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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
临窗对雨 -- 腾讯博客 - 苦等分配房而沒有捉住機會買房
盛克选的博客 -- 腾讯博客 - “买房与租房”的尴尬和出路 - Qzone
作为80后的年轻人,受到主流意识的影响,有很多人徘徊在买房与租房的边缘。生活中,人们在追求物质生活的同时,更追求超理想的幸福生活质量。可是,在经济不算非常宽裕的情况下,倘若背负着几十年的还贷压力,求得一套房。我个人觉得此举有些不够理性甚至有“头脑风暴”之嫌。我认为,80后是具有独特个性思想的一代,不能因买房而“买房”。 少男少女们,应该理性看待买房之说,作为长辈应该更为理解,对于80后的未来,不要局限于眼前,应该看得更深远。站在我个人的立场上,甚至我要强烈呼吁:80后暂时千万别买房,不然你会后悔一辈子。
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[搜狐房产-搜狐焦点网-很楼市第100期:百期特刊] 标题:[盛克选]买房与租房的尴尬和出路 点击进入
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