Friday, December 10, 2010

The Year's Best Books for Business Owners

Inc. 雜誌選出給企業主看的2010年最佳書目:Rework, the 10 Laws of career reinvention, Bury my heart at conference room B, Delivering Happiness(, The little Big things, the Facebook effect, Macrowikinomics, You are not a gadget, Linchpin, Where good ideas come from, The upside of irrationality, business model generation, Islands of profit in a sea or red ink, Smart growth, Good boss bad boss, How companies win, The mirror test, Spend shift, Built to Sell... etc. 這清單是給我自己使用的書單,該去Amazon或看看有沒有中文譯本。

Posted via email from cigdemchen

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